TikTok — the perfect place for users to laugh, learn, and endlessly scroll. But that’s not all it offers, especially if you’re a content creator. Yep, the social media app with one billion active users globally is now the spot where creators can turn their passion into a profit

If you’re a creator looking to dive into all things TikTok monetization, you’ve come to the right place. In this article, I’ll go over the Creator Rewards Program, just how much you can make on TikTok, and how you can increase your chances to earn on the app. 


Can you make money from TikTok?

It may just seem like it’s for fun and laughs, but you certainly can make money from TikTok. In fact, if you do it right, it can be a revenue generating machine

Some of the biggest creators are even making millions of dollars per year through TikTok. Khabane Lame, the most followed person on the app (with 162.8 million followers), allegedly makes up to $750,000 per clip. But making money isn’t as easy as filming a 10-second video.

Some factors that impact TikTok earnings are video views, engagement, and advertising revenue. While different factors affect how much a creator can earn, know that there are various ways to earn on the platform. You can get paid through brand partnerships, affiliate marketing, TikToK Lives, and, of course, the Creator Rewards Program. 

Can you make money from TikTok


What is the TikTok Creator Rewards Program?

Let me first rewind the tape for a second. To understand the Creator Rewards Program, you need to know a little about the Creator Fund

You might be familiar with the Creator Fund as a way for folks to earn on TikTok. The Creator Fund was a feature that compensated creators for their content based on their views and engagement. 

I say was because on December 16, 2023, TikTok officially shut it down. The platform didn’t leave creators high and dry though — as they introduced the Creator Rewards Program to take its place. 

The Creator Rewards Program, as defined by TikTok, is a rewards program designed to help creators foster their creativity and generate higher revenue potential. More simply, this program helps give out money to creators who create videos that meet the program’s standards. 

So, why the retirement of the Creator Fund? Because it was unpopular with TikTok creators. According to some creators, the payments were low and static, making them not want to film videos anymore. Because of this, TikTok decided to change things up. 

The new program aims to help creators earn more easily. That is, if they can continue to put out high-quality, original content that’s aligned with the program’s video requirements.

But, so far, the reviews for the program are mixed. Some creators claim it works well if you give it time, and others say it dropped their views so they dropped out after a couple of days. 


Who is eligible for the Creator Rewards Program?

Before I get into the video requirements, let’s look at account requirements. Just who is eligible to join the Creator Rewards Program?

The requirements include:

  • Being 18 years old or older
  • 100,000 video views in the last 30 days 
  • An account in good standing (meaning no history of violating their Community Guidelines or Terms of Service)
  • Posting original content that’s eligible for rewards

Once accepted, you also need to make sure you meet a few other requirements. Mainly, no tampering with the program, no making abusive or malicious content, and no partaking in fraudulent activities (like inflating follower count). Be good, and you should be good. 

What are the video requirements?

And now we get to the video requirements. This is what you need to have your videos qualify. 

Content made by you 

The phrase “high-quality, original content” keeps popping up as a requirement — but what does that really mean? 

According to TikTok, this means videos need to be designed, filmed, and produced by you. Stitches and duets? No dice for making money. Content where you’re lip syncing to a song? Sorry, still won’t get any funds. A video of you talking about your black cat’s favorite toys and treats? You’ve got a winner. Or, well, partly. 

Content made by you

One minute videos 

Another crucial requirement for your videos to qualify is they need to be at least one minute long. This is a change-up from the platform's usual quick clips — but a smart move to stay competitive against YouTube Shorts and Instagram Reels.  

1,000 qualified views

Last but not least — the final important video requirement (besides following the Copyright, Community Guidelines, and Terms of Service standard stuff) is videos need to have at least 1,000 qualified For You feed views before you start earning. 

A “qualified view” means a real person has come across your content organically on their For You feed and watches for more than five seconds. Bots, promoted views, paid views, and disliked views don’t count. 

Qualified views

I know — all of this is a lot to take in. But don’t get overwhelmed and bounce yet. Further down the article, we can help you increase your chances of earning — whether you want to join this particular program or not. 

How to join the Creator Rewards Program 

If you meet the program’s requirements and are ready to make entertaining, interesting, and unique videos — here’s how you can join the club (so to speak). 

Open the TikTok app and head to your Profile, which should be on the bottom right of your screen. Once on your Profile, tap the Menu button in the top right (it should look like three stacked lines), and the first option should be the TikTok Studio. Head there and under the “Monetization” tab, you should see the Creator Rewards Program. Submit your application and you should receive word if you’ve joined the program within three days. 

How to join Creator Rewards Program


How much can you make from TikTok?

The question I know you’ve probably been waiting for me to answer: “How much can I make from TikTok?” Sorry folks, but the answer to this question is complicated. Here’s why. 

The Creator Rewards Program calculates rewards based on factors that change. Rewards are calculated by qualified views (mentioned above) and your RPM (or average rewards collected per 1,000 qualified views). The RPM can change because it considers different aspects, like video performance, search value, video engagement, and advertising value. 

How much you can make from TT

Since these aspects can vary a lot, this is why it’s hard to pin down a number. If you’re looking for a ballpark amount, you can realistically earn anywhere from a few cents to a couple of dollars per thousand views — but I cannot stress enough that it’s a big shoulder shrug because of all the changing elements. 

It’s also hard to put a dollar amount on how much you can make from TikTok as a whole because there are different ways to make money on the app. But here’s the silver lining — having so many ways to make money is a great thing (even without knowing how much you can exactly make). TikTok is a platform with a lot of potential to earn in ways that can suit you best, and that’s really exciting. You can join the Creator Rewards Program, or only host live streams on the app, or only promote products from the TikTok Shop…or do a combo of these. In the least cliche way possible, the sky is the limit. 


How to increase your chances of earning on TikTok

Before you go posting, you need to know a few key monetization strategies to boost your chances of earning (with or without the Creator Rewards Program). Here are some ways to increase your chances of success on TikTok. 

Post consistently 

If you take away anything, let it be this: Post consistently on TikTok. This is key to increasing your chance of earning whether you use the Creator Rewards Program, TikTok Shop, or affiliate marketing. 

Regular posting of content will keep your profile fresh and sustain audience interest over time. It will also help you establish a more notable presence on the platform. Ideally, you should be posting once a day. 

Keeping content original when you’re posting isn’t always the easiest, so don’t be afraid to dip your toes into trending challenges and topics. This will alleviate any “creators block” you may have and can boost your visibility and interaction rates. 

Stream TikTok Lives

Live streaming on social media isn’t anything new, but streaming on TikTok is a great way to earn more. 

Streaming on TikTok Live comes with the usual streaming perks — you can easily connect with more people, interact with viewers in real-time, and build up your community. But there are a couple of other perks to utilizing TikTok Lives specifically. 

The first one is creating longer content. TikTok allows you to stream up to 60 minutes, allowing you plenty of time to demonstrate a product, host a workout, or chat with viewers. You can then use your stream to edit clips and share them on your account or other social media profiles. 

The other perk is that you can easily monetize your streams. With features like virtual gifts, coins, and more, you can earn while you engage. Virtual gifts can be anything from a rose, which is worth $0.01, to the “TikTok Universe” which is worth $562. If you’re a part of the TikTok Shop, you can also promote and link products during your live stream (but more on that later). 

Virtual gifts

Before this year, TikTok made live streaming available only to users with over 1,000 followers. Now, they’ve opened up access so users can apply to live stream on TikTok even if they don’t meet the follower count. You need to be a streaming creator on another platform with a stable streaming history, but this opens up earning on TikTok to a wider audience.  

Be a part of the Creator Marketplace 

Get collabing and make some money with the Creator Marketplace on TikTok. The Creator Marketplace is where creators and brands can connect and collaborate. 

If you join as a creator, you’ll gain access to a selection of brands seeking to work with those who will amplify their products. The best part: connections aren’t randomly made. You’ll be matched with brands in the same niche as you. This targeted approach means that your collaborations aren’t just profitable but authentic, too. 

Taking part in the Creator Marketplace can enhance your content’s reach and impact while also providing a steady revenue stream. Just know there are some eligibility requirements to join as a creator. 

Similar to the Creator Rewards Program requirements, you need to be 18 years old or older and have at least 10,000 followers. But to apply for this platform, you also need to have posted at least three videos in the last 28 days and have received over 100,000 likes in the last 28 days. 

Use the TikTok Shop 

If you hop onto TikTok, you’ve likely seen videos on your For You page linking products to the TikTok Shop. If you’re a creator, why not join in and make some money? 

A quick rundown: The TikTok Shop was launched in September 2023 and is an e-commerce feature within the app. It gives brands, merchants, and creators the tools to sell through shoppable content

Creators can link to products in their videos, live streams, or product showcase tabs, allowing customers to browse and buy, all in-app. When a customer makes a purchase, the creator will receive commission. 

TikTok Shop

To be eligible to join the TikTok Shop as a creator, you need to check off a few requirements (I know, this comes as a shock). You need to have an account in good standing, be at least 18 or older, and have at least 5,000 followers. Meet the criteria, and you can start applying

Earn with affiliate marketing 

If you want to promote products you love that aren’t on the TikTok Shop, consider using affiliate marketing instead. 

Promote products with an affiliate link generated by a partner platform. When someone purchases from said link, you’ll earn commission. This can be a passive way to earn income because anyone can click on your profile, click the links in your bio, and make a purchase. Just make sure you’re making consistent videos to get your profile out there. 

Good news, bad news. Good news: There are usually no requirements to apply to become an affiliate with companies. Bad news: You still need to apply. But applying is usually easy, and there are plenty of companies out there to work with. 

If you want somewhere that has a lot of product options to promote, try the Amazon Associates Program. Otherwise, if you’re looking for something more niche, search Google using a term for the industry you want to make content for with the words” affiliate program.” For example, if you’re a creator who loves styling clothes, look up “clothing affiliate program.” 


Seizing opportunities

Long story short — TikTok offers creators plenty of opportunities to not only share content with people across the globe but also earn money in the process. And seizing opportunities on this platform really comes down to which strategies suit you and your content best…and maybe how many applications you want to fill out. 

Seizing opportunities on TikTok is also easy with a powerful video platform on your side. Switcher has the tools you need to create videos for TikTok or stream right to the app. Even better, with built-in Multistreaming, we allow you to stream to TikTok … and Twitch, Instagram, and YouTube at the same time. Expand your brand and reach your audience where they are.  

If you want more articles like this, don’t forget to subscribe to the blog down below! If you’re looking for a video platform to help you create, stream, host, and monetize — we can help with that, too. Try Switcher free for 14 days!

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