- A small TV station based in the district of Namur, in the Wallonia region of southern Belgium.
- Reaches 15 local districts, broadcasting to an audience of about 100,000.
- Covers breaking news stories and produces shows about culture, sports, and more.
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Matélé recognized that traditional media were losing audiences and that as a television station they needed to revive and reconnect with lost viewers. TV viewership continues to decline — even big events like the Oscars and the Olympics are experiencing record low ratings. However, traditional television ratings are no longer sufficient for measuring viewership. More and more, media is consumed on browsers and devices, and streaming is becoming the norm. Diederick says Matélé recognized this and it informed their strategy.
"People ask me why Matélé invests so much in social media. So I ask them, ‘Who has watched TV since they entered this building? No one. Who has watched TV since they entered this room? This meeting? No one.’ Then I ask them, ‘Who has looked at their smartphone since they entered this room?’ And many people raise their hands. So I say, 'So, you see the problem. You see the problem with traditional media.’
“We must be there, on the mobile screen the people are looking at, and now — not tomorrow, and not preparing ourselves to be ready to go live in one year — now.”
As a television station, Matélé wanted to make sure their livestreams were branded, polished, and professional to improve the experience for their viewers. They tested several livestreaming software applications and chose Switcher Studio for the features that made professional livestreams easy:
Because they cover over 15 districts, Matélé journalists have to travel often throughout Wallonia to report on local stories. With Switcher Studio, all the gear they need can fit in a backpack.
Matélé uses one iPad, one iPhone, a tripod, a small microphone, and a light.
While traditional gear can be heavy and difficult to transport and set up, Matélé journalists arrive on location and set up in just five minutes. The minimal gear also means the small station can easily budget for the gear that they need. A mid-level professional camera can cost over ten times what a high-end smartphone costs.
Diederick loves doing live interviews. With Switcher, he can invite guests to join on almost any device, with no special software needed. This minimal setup helps Diederick’s guests feel comfortable so they can have informal conversations.
On memorable livestreams:
“One time I interviewed a minister during his breakfast at home. It was a fun, informal moment. I remember that when I switched off the Live, I said to myself, ‘I would never be able to do that without Switcher Studio, without Facebook Live, without the small gear — an iPhone just on the table, in the kitchen.’”
Like many other news outlets, Matélé considers livestreams a way to blend journalism and interaction. For example, when journalists conduct interviews or stream stories, they can monitor the viewers’ comments in real time and engage with their audience.
Diederick enjoys sharing live viewer questions with guests. Asking audience member questions sometimes changes the course of the interview, but Diederick finds it valuable to tailor the content to his audience.
For Diederick, and Matélé, the biggest benefit of their livestreams is the potential for real connection with their audience and community.
“We can interact with them, we can engage ... people are sharing their comments, feelings, and questions.
“It’s all because of the technological revolution of the smartphone — turning iPads into a broadcast studio, turning iPhones to cameras. It’s a way to stream all over the world — that's a revolution. And that revolution allows us to connect with our audiences, thanks to Switcher Studio.”
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